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  • Everybody has the right to work, learn, conduct activities and play in a friendly, safe and supportive school environment. Put-downs, exclusion, name-calling, discrimination (based on race, religion, gender and sexuality) and all degrees of unwanted physical contact are all behaviours that take away someone’s right to feel safe.
  • All staff have the right to work in a pleasant, respectful and safe environment, with appropriate support from the administration of the College, peers, students and parents/guardians.
  • Parents/guardians have the right to know that their child is safe and supported at the College by established procedures and that the treatment they receive is fair and appropriate.
  • Parents/guardians and invited guests have the right to feel welcome at ELTHAM.


  • Students have a responsibility to care for themselves and each other.
  • All members of the College have a responsibility to care for their own property and that of others.
  • All members of the College have a responsibility to respect other persons with whom they have contact.
  • There is a responsibility to think about how their behaviour affects other members of the College.
  • Students have a responsibility to attend College in line with the Student Attendance Policy.
  • Staff and students have a responsibility to attend class on time and ready to learn.
  • Students have a responsibility to engage in learning.
  • Staff are required to support the aims and ethos of the College.
  • Parents and guardians have a responsibility to support the aims and ethos of the College.


Expectations are guidelines for conduct and cover behaviour, uniform, property, attendance, facilities, homework, technology, sport, camps, conflict resolution and the various procedures pertaining to these. These are available on the College intranet, mE.