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Children participate in age-specific activities, in an exciting and varied program, including incursions, during our school holiday care programs.

The ELTHAM College Holiday Program operates during each term break for all Prep to Year 6 students currently enrolled at ELTHAM College and is supervised by qualified staff. A program of scheduled activities is available prior to each holiday period and bookings are made in advance.

Please note that an Enrolment Form only needs to be completed for the first program in attendance for the year.

To download a 2025 Enrolment Form for Before and After Care or the Holiday Program please click on the appropriate link below.

School Holiday Care Program Times: 7.15am – 6.30pm 

School Holiday Care Program Enrolment 

Please complete an enrolment form with your booking. An Enrolment Form only needs to be completed for the first program in attendance for the year. 

Applications closed for the Term 1, 2025 school holiday program at 4.00pm on Friday 21 March 2025.

School Holiday Care Program Fees and Payment
Daily fee 2025: $130
Full day including incursion 2025: $130.00 + $30.00* per child 

*No CCS is applied to additional incursion fees as cost covers external providers expenses. 

We use a direct debit payment system for our Holiday Program. A Direct Debit Form must be completed prior to confirmation of place.

Child Care Subsidy is available to meet the out-of-pocket expenses to all eligible students attending either of these programs. Further booking assistance is available by calling 9433 9964

School Holiday Care Frequently Asked Questions

What should my child wear to the program?
What should my child bring to the program?
Is there a limit on how many children can attend per day?
Can I cancel my booking or swap my day?
Am I eligible for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?

What should my child wear to the program?

Children are to wear comfortable clothing and are required for their own safety to wear appropriate footwear (no thongs). At times an activity may require children to wear specific clothing and this will be outlined on the program. 

What should my child bring to the program?

Children are to bring morning tea, snacks, lunch and a drink bottle each day. We ask that nut products are not included in children’s lunch boxes during the program. A sun smart hat is required during the summer holiday program. 

Is there a limit on how many children can attend per day?

Enrolments are capped at 33 children per day and a wait list will be compiled for enrolment requests where this cap has been reached. Families will be contacted directly should a place become available. 

Can I cancel my booking or swap my day?

We require one day’s notice for any cancellations to provide reunds or credit. We are unable to swap booked day/s to alternate days. 

Am I eligible for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?

ELTHAM College OSHC is an approved Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Service. The CCS is a government subsidy that offers different levels of financial assistance to Australian families to help cover the cost of childcare. It is available to eligible parents to help with the out-of-pocket expenses for students attending our programs. The CCS is paid directly to the service. For more information please visit the Department of Education website.

School Holiday Care Program at Eltham College

Contact the ELTHAM College Holiday Program

The School Holiday Care Program is available to currently enrolled ELTHAM College students.

Email us