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At ELTHAM we have a number of co-curricular groups and activities that allow you to EXPLORE. Click on the groups and opportunities below to see what you can participate in and where you can explore.


The Central Australia Tour is an annual event that gives Year 11 students to opportunity to visit the region and see the sights plus be further educated about indigenous culture. The tour goes for 11 days, and travel is by bus both up and back.

Available for students in Year 7 – 12.

GREAT VIC BIKE RIDE (November –  December)

All students in Year 7-12 have the opportunity to join the ELTHAM Great Victorian Bike Ride Team. Each year, we participate in this event as a school. The Great Victorian Bike Ride takes place late in Term 4, It is a 9-day cycling adventure with 3 and 5-day options available as well. Students train throughout Term 4 to prepare for this, then we head off together to complete the challenge of riding approximately 550 km over the 9 days.

Available for students in Year 7 – 12.


Outdoor Rec is a club that will provide varied outdoor education experiences for all students in the Senior School.  Semester 1 will focus on the skills of canoeing, building up to a river journey along the Yarra River, as well as learning basic survival skills. 

Available for students in Year 7 – 12.


The Interschools Snowsport Championships provides an opportunity for Australian school students of all ages to experience competitive snowsports.
Competitors from all ability levels are encouraged to enter, with an emphasis on fun and participation. Students Prep to Year 12, compete for their school as part of a team or an individual in any of our nine discipline events.

Available for students in Prep - Year 12


Each year, we are very excited to be offering to our Year 7 -12 students the opportunity to participate in our annual Snow Camp experience during the Term 2 holidays.  This trip is open to beginners to advanced skiers or snowboarders.

Available for students in Year 7 – 12


Each year we offer our Year 11 and 12 students the opportunity to take part in a six day hike along The Overland Track in Tasmania. This

Available for students in Year 11 - 12