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Attending ELTHAM gives students more than a formative education during their schooling years; it fosters a lasting bond and sense of enduring community among past, present and future College alumni.

The ELTHAM College Alumni Association provides a professional and personal network, that supports each other as they go on to their next chapter after ELTHAM College. It also importantly provides avenues for Alumni to connect and support the next generation of College students. 

For more stories and to view the latest alumni news, follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn

Eltham College Alumni classmates

Keep in touch with your classmates and College

The Association works with the College to create opportunities to stay connected, be it via social activities, business relationships, or sports teams including Old Eltham Collegians Football Club and Research Eltham Collegians Cricket Club.

Get in touch

We welcome alumni to stay connected with the College via . Share your latest life news, update your details, join a sporting club, or express your interest in becoming part of the ELTHAM College Alumni committee.

Eltham College Alumni
Notice of Alumni Association Committee Incorporated Annual General Meeting 

All alumni are invited to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the ELTHAM College Alumni Association on Monday 17th of February 2025, 7PM (online)  

  • Agenda of the upcoming AGM
  • Minutes of AGM held on 19 February 2024 
  • Proxy form for any member who is unable to attend the meeting and would like to appoint another member to act as a proxy to represent them at the meeting. 
  • Nomination form– nominations are open to all members who are interested in joining the Committee (roles outlined below).  Members are invited to complete and return their nomination form to Emma Perry, ( 

Nominations are open to all Alumni who are interested in joining the Alumni Committee 2025. 

Roles on the Committee include:

  • Ordinary members 

If you would like to attend, please email Emma Perry to request meeting link and any additional information.   

Current Committee Members

President: Naomi Taranto (Class of 2016)
Vice-President: Nathan Jasper (Class of 2017)
Secretary: Emma Perry 
Treasurer: Ingrid Provan

Ordinary members:

  • Rob Anderson
  • William Lewis
  • Ben Crellin (representative for TURTLES Football Club)
  • Ben Willis (representative for RECCC)
  • Paul Cifone (staff member representative)
  • Rory Bradshaw
  • Tim Mumford
  • Ben Mitton