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Ross Fett - In Memoriam

13 September 2024

It is with a deep sense of sadness that the ELTHAM College community mourns the passing of Mr Ross Fett.

Ross unfortunately passed on Saturday 31 August 2024. 

Principal/CEO Richard Lisle said, “In celebrating Ross’s life, we are grateful for the time, expertise and energy he gave to ECCA, the College Board and the decade of service as a Director. His contributions to the Foundation Board in various capacities, including Chairman, saw the expansion of its activities over a significant time period. It is entirely appropriate that Ross was honoured as a Life Governor of the College in 2016.”

Ross joined the Foundation Board in 2000 and served our Board in various capacities until his illness in August 2023. This included a term as Chairman from April to August 2023. Ross was a relentless advocate of the College and the Foundation and brought wisdom and drive to each Board.

Ross was a valued and formative member of our College community. His contributions left a lasting impact on all who had the privilege of working alongside him. 

Ross will be missed by the College community. Our sincere condolences go to his wife Diane and three siblings, Dallas, Nicole and Cassie, and their families.